Aiper Seagull Plus Troubleshooting

User Reported Aiper Seagull Plus Problems

  • Charging issues
  • Unit won’t turn on
  • Stops moving in water
  • Battery fails to hold charge
  • Corrosion in control boards
  • Beeping without operation
  • Poor water sealing design
  • Replacement parts unavailable
  • Light flashing during charge
  • Debris emptied back into pool
I have problems with my Aiper Seagull Plus

Most Common Aiper Seagull Plus Reported Problems

Power and Charging
4 issues
Durability and Reliability
1 issues

Technical Malfunction Issues

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Power and Charging Issues

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Performance Issues

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Setup and Usage Issues

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Customer Support Issues

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Other Issues

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Aiper Seagull Plus Cordless Robotic Pool Cleaner Not Working?

If you're experiencing issues with your Aiper Seagull Plus pool equipment, you're not alone. Many users have faced similar challenges and have shared their experiences to help others troubleshoot and resolve these problems.

  1. The charging port connection is not sealed well enough to prevent water incursion into the unit. Once water gets into the control boards, they short out. I need to find a replacement LED panel and power switch board, because the corrosion destroyed it. There has to be a better water insulated charging port design, that what is currently being used. I need a source to find replacement parts. It’s a good idea poorly implemented.

    Issue Category:
    Durability and Reliability

    Ownership Length:

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  2. Charging issues:

    My Seagull Plus has been working normally for a little less than a year but not it does not want to charge. Recently it would start to charge sporadically at different time and did occasionally fully charge, but now it just beeps twice, flashes green then repeats this cycle for as long as it is plugged in.

    I have a feeling that this is not good and it’s for sure not going to fix itself. Does anyone know what I need to do to get it back in service?

    Issue Category:
    Power and Charging

    Ownership Length:

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  3. Unit will not turn on, and green light is not turning off at all even with it in the off mode. This is only the 2nd year using it in the north east where our summers are rather short. I maybe put it in 2xs a week for the months each year. I’m very frustrated and disappointed.These are an expensive purchase and really need this fixed, Please advise on how to fix this issue. I already checked the rotor and nothing is blocking or obstucting it.

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  4. On my 4th aiper seaagull plus. First 3 same problem as all of you fully charged green light on, put in pool it sits there and shuts off. I want my money back they wont give it back they say it is out of the warranty period. If i did not have to replace 4 of them and then wait for you to send me a refurbished one after 4 months it would have had plenty of tiime for a refund. I returned the first one now I have 3 cluttering my garage as they dont want them back. Aiper seagull plus they need to send us an upgraded unit like a scuba 1 for this non sense. The product sucks.

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  5. Seagull Pro is fully charged but will not turn on when put to a cleaning mode. I read the book and it doesn’t have any trouble shooting advice. I reached out to warranty and am waiting for a call back. Does anyone know it there is a reset switch for this unit?

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  6. Same with mine….fully charged and moves 10 feet and stops and the green light goes out. I had issues last year,then it started working. Terrible customer service as they parade around the world touting great stuff…..🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

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  7. Have a complete charged on vacuum. Turn it on and slide into water and it will make one trip across pool and shut off. Pick it up and turn off and back on and it still does same thing. Rotor fine. Machine clear of debris. Bought last year. What could be causing this problem?

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  8. This piece of shit does not work had it for about two months the battery is fully charged I drop it in the pool and stays in one place and does not move. I called and emailed the tech support team still waiting to hear from them. I would not recommend buying this aquatic robot.

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  9. While charging it gives a solid green light, unplug it and turn on and beeps constantly. Turn it off and it is a solid green light. Will not charge or turn on and run. Have not even had this for 2 months and now not working at all. Any thoughts?

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  10. I have bought a Aiper Seagull Plus and used it 3 times now.
    After the third time, last week Friday, I cleaned it and dried it thouroughly as well. After charging I wanted to clean the pool yesterday, but it did not do anything.
    I put it back for charging again, and the green and black button lights up irregularly and sometimes it stays fully green, as I think this means it is fully charged.
    But by putting it into the pool, it is not working.
    I hope to hear from you soon, as I need to clean my pool often while it is summer now.

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  11. I just got my Seagull Plus today. Charged it fully. Turned it on and placed in water as per the instructions. It started moving forward. When it came to the wall it stopped and couldn’t get going in the other’s direction. I could see the motors turning and trying but the unit would not move. I am using it in a 12” deep flat rectangle pond. The pond has a slick black rubber coating on it. Could this be why the Seagull won’t go again? Not enough traction?

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    • Mine does the same thing in our above ground pool. We just got ours 2 days ago. It will go a few times off the wall then won’t back up. If you push it a tad it will go a few more times then do the same thing. Hope someone has an answer.

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